Espacio dedicado a los Guardaparques del planeta.
Space dedicated to the Park rangers of the world.
Espaço dedicado aos Guarda-parques do planeta.

Who is a Ranger? . . . ¿Quién es guardaparques?

World Parks: In 1872, Yellowstone National Park in the United States became the world’s first federally designated national park. Since then, over 100,000 protected areas, representing more than 10% of the earth’s landmass, have been established around the world, according to the IUCN.

World Rangers: The English word “ranger” reflects the guardians of the Royal Forests in 14th century England, protecting the King’s lands from poachers. Today, Rangers in protected areas throughout the world continue this role. Rangers are the key force protecting these resources from impairment. They do this through law enforcement, environmental education, community relations, fighting fires, conducting search and rescues, and in many other ways caring for protected areas and their visitors. “If a trail is to be blazed, send a ranger; if an animal is floundering in the snow, send a ranger; if a bear is in a hotel, send a ranger; if a fire threatens a forest, send a ranger; and if someone needs to be saved, send a ranger.” – Steven T. Mather, First Director of the U.S. National Park Service, 1916. As the principal guardians of the world’s premier natural and cultural protected areas, Rangers: · Are the key force in the field between preservation and loss and destruction of those protected areas; · Are uniquely positioned and qualified to monitor the health of resources, assess problems, and provide for future solutions based on current knowledge; · Are the critical connection between parks and the public, with a fundamental role in educating the public; · Are involved in complex and critical tasks in preservation, often living and working in dangerous conditions, and take risks in protecting these special places; · Need continued government and public support in protecting resources for future generations.  

The IRF defines a ranger as: “the person involved in the practical protection and preservation of all aspects of wild areas, historical and cultural sites. Rangers provide recreational opportunities and interpretation of sites while providing links between local communities, protected areas and area administration.”

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